Social Theatre™ provides a platform for children through young adulthood to practice social skills and collaboration through role plays, skill based improv games, and sometimes humorous skits. At times, Social Theatre groups create their own plays that teach social skills, which are then posted on the Social Theatre blog so participants feel good about helping others in the community and greater world.

One of the most important components is experiencing fun while facing unexpectedness of others answers, and having to accept the uncertainty of not knowing what is coming next in improv games and role plays. When participating in sketch comedy plays, when appropriate, humor is utilized to incorporate social messages about how to turn social awkwardness into social success.  When practicing about social awkwardness, participants learn how to laugh and embrace their humanity.  Furthermore, research shows that humor is one of the most effective coping skills (Vera, 2012).  Neuro-psychology also notes the increase of dopamine due to laughter (Payne & Bryson, 2011), which contributes to increased learning, socialization, frustration tolerance, and memory (Schwabe, L. et. al., 2008 and Hamid, A., et. al., 2015).

In celebrating their voices, the scripts of Social Theatre™ participants (students, actors, and clients) are on this website.  Due to the plays being so general, fictional ideas, with collaboration from all participants in the groups, parents have consented to plays being available for use.  Please see the scripts written by my group participants and we encourage you to use them to help those you work with!

(more scripts are available from my afterschool troupe at

If by chance you do use our plays, can you leave a comment for my group participants?  This will make them feel so good about their contributions to the world!